We kregen een ontroerende brief van een van de meisjes (Agata):
“I spend a week of my holiday in Holland. I was there from 3’th August till the 9’th of August. I was living in a hudge fort which was really close to the water. I’ve met amazing and really good people there, people who surrounded us with love. I also met a some kids at my age or a little bit younger. Everyday was full of surprises like Linneaushof, airport, ZOO or sea. We also were in a community house in Bloemendaal where we could feel like politicans or senators. After all days traveling we went back to Fort where our minders prepared games or make up for us. Nellke was making special tatooas for all of us. My favourite day was in Linneaushof. All week was the most incredible and funny in my entite life, especially because our minders : Kasia Okrucinska, Kasia Szczepańska, Ewa Famulska, Johan Brugman, Suzanne van Lent, Pieter Roggeveen, Chris Theyse, , Nelleke, Elma van Lent, Gerie de Vries, Irene Brugman, Jan Katteler, Piet Emans and Dirk Akkerman. They are the best minders in the world!”
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